The Email Subject Line Cheat Sheet

“How to Write Catchy Email Subject Lines That Get Opened”

To write a catchy email subject line, keep it short, sweet, clear, concise, and specific, and use action words. Use numbers, symbols, and personalization to add urgency. Test different subject lines to see what works best for your audience.

Email subject lines are essential- they are often the make or break for whether someone will open and read your email. Keep these tips in mind to make sure your subject lines are effective!

1. Keep It Short & Sweet:

Please keep your email subject line short, so it can be easily read and understood. The shorter it is, the more likely your message will be read.

2. Be Specific:

Be specific in your email subject line so that recipients know exactly what they can expect from the email.

3. Be Clear & Concise:

Ensure your email subject line is clear and concise so recipients know what the email is about.

4. Use Action Words:

Use action words in your email subject line to grab recipients’ attention and encourage them to open the email.

5. Use Numbers:

Use numbers in your email subject line to give recipients an idea of what to expect in the email.

6. Use Symbols:

Use symbols in your email subject line to add visual interest and grab recipients’ attention.

7. Personalize It:

Personalize your email subject line so recipients feel like the email is meant for them.

8. Urgency Works:

Use urgency in your email subject line to encourage recipients to open the email immediately.

9. Test, Test, Test:

Test different email subject lines to see what works best for your target audience.

The big takeaway for entrepreneurs from the above points is to be clear, concise, and specific when writing email subject lines. Additionally, action words, numbers, symbols, and personalization can catch readers’ attention. Finally, it is crucial to test different subject lines to see what works best for your audience.

Want more? Well, if you want to improve your overall email deliverability, check this out:

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